There has always been a requirement for a Responsible Person since the creation of the Fire Safety Order 2005 , but it is now being enforced significantly with the introduction of the Building Safety Act 2022 and the review of the Fire Safety Order in 2022 .

If you do not currently have a named responsible person for your Building or Business then it will be deemed to be the person paying the bills or carrying out the administration , especially for Residential Associations .

The Responsible Person must make sure that a Fire Risk Assessment of all the Communal parts is carried out in Residemtial Apartment Blocks and the area of the building used for your business

( industry Standard is  every 4 years and reviewed at least every 2 years for new legislation purposes ) . It is a criminal offence carrying up to 2 years in prison or unlimited fines if your building does not have a current passed fire risk assessment in place .

The Accountable Person ( who would be the building owner known as the freeholder or the leaseholders who own the freehold ) is also equally responsible for all of the building equally he same as the responsible person , and if anything were to go wrong they would both be blamed for the outcome of findings .

Fixed Penalty Notices are now being introduced by Local Authorities of £10,000 for those who do not comply with current legislation in many areas such as this , also prohibition notices stopping the use of buildings being used are also on the increase as this is to protect the vulnerable by those in charge who do not care about other occupants that they are legally responsible for by being a responsible person .

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